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Mismatch in Perceptions

All about perceptions of the EU from different perspectives within the Balkans Region

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EU Perceptions of the Region

With the European Union (EU) being the predominant external actor in the Balkans, this post shall elaborate on the Union’s relations with...

State's Perception of External Actors

In the previous blog post, Donovan established EU’s perception of the situation in the Western Balkans. In three aspects, I will be...

Local Perceptions of External Actors

Previously, Jay illustrated the conflicts of interest and perception between the state and the EU. Similarly, the locals are conflicted...

NGOs and Businesses (Part 1)

Having looked at state and populace attitudes towards external actors, I would now tap on Jonathan Rowson’s ideas about social change in...

NGOs and Businesses (Part 2)

In this second part, we will share about businesses here and how foreign actors have helped and/or hindered their growth. Continuing...

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